Simple way to make tassels for Crochet Projects, Bookmarks, fashion embellishments. This is an oldie but goodie picture tutorial,showing you how to make tassels using yarn. Attached is a video and I show you three different examples on how to create tassels using common items found around your home.
Step 1: How to Make tassels:
I used a cardboard letter U purchased from my local craft store. You can use any item that is stiff i.e. cardboard, book, cd or dvd case.
Note: The cardboard letter I found had a glitter overlay so I used scotch tape ensure the yarn didn’t snag or get caught on the glitter.

Step 2: How to Make tassels
Wrap the yarn around the cardboard letter U. Approx. 20 to 30 times, until you get the desired thickness for your tassel.

Step 3: How to Make Tassels:
Using a piece of yarn slip (approx. 12”) under the wrapped yarn, (between the cardboard U and the yarn) gather at the top and tie a knot

Step 4: How to Make Tassels
Gently slide the yarn off the cardboard letter U. Using another piece of yarn, approx. 6” tie it across the middle of the yarn. This will help to form the tassel.

Check out this other fun tutorial:
Crochet Zippered Bag
On the opposite end of the tied yarn. Insert the scissor through the loops and cut across the yarn, to create a shaggy end. Even up the loose ends to create a straight tassel end.

Step 6: How to Make Tassels
Give the tassel a shake, weave in any loose ends and make sure it looks symmetrical and that’s, that.
- You can change the size of your tassel by changing the size of the object you use to wrap the yarn around. For smaller tassels use a smaller board or letter. You can use books, dvd or cd cases, cardboard anything that is stiff or holds it shape if you wound yarn around it.
- You can tie yarn around the top portion of the tassel or anyway along the tassel.
- Floss string also make a great tassel
- Using fabric scissor make it easier to cut through tassel loops

Check out this Video Tutorial for additional instruction and other ideas:
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